Women’s Wellness Clinic
Expertise in Womenโ€™s Health




We are doctors with over 15 years of experience as General practitioners and British Menopause Society specialists with expertise in womenโ€™s health.

We want you to feel confident that we will listen to you and give you the best advice we can on your treatment and health journey.

We care about your health, vitality and longevity and cannot wait to welcome you to our well womanโ€™s clinic.

Meet Our Team

Dr Reem Al-Shaikh

Dr Reem Al-Shaikh - Women's Wellness Clinic

Dr Reem Al Shaikh completed her medical training at Guys Kings and St Thomasโ€™s London in 2006 before moving to Cambridge to complete her GP training at Addenbrookes in 2011.

She has MBBS and MRCGP and holds the Diplomas in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sexual and reproductive health and has the FSRH letter of competencies in IUDs (coils) and Subdermal Implants (contraceptive implants). She holds the Faculty of Sexual Reproductive Health Advanced Menopause Certificate and is a recognized British Menopause Society specialist.
She is also a GP trainer.

Dr Reem Al Shaikh carries over a decade of experience as a full-time GP partner working within the NHS. This work has included expert women’s health appointments, specialist menopause clinics, education and contraceptive procedure clinics. She is passionate about womenโ€™s health, well being, longevity and vitality.

Dr Gill Shields

Dr Gill Shields - Women's Wellness Clinic

Dr Gill Shields completed her medical training at Imperial College London in 2006 and went onto work in several London hospitals before completing her GP training in 2011.

Along with her MBBS/BSc/MRCGP she has Diplomas in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sexual and Reproductive health and has FSRH letters of competence in IUDs (coils) SDI (contraceptive implants). She holds the Faculty of Sexual Reproductive Health Advanced Menopause Certificate and is a British Menopause Society specialist.

Dr Gill Shields is a GP partner within the NHS and PCN Womenโ€™s Health Lead. She runs regular specialist menopause clinics, group menopause consultations and general womenโ€™s health clinics. She enjoys listening to her patients and helping them make the best decisions around their health with support of the most up to date evidence based medicine.

Memberships & Awards

RCGP - Women's Wellness Clinic

British Menopausal Society

Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists

FSRH - Women's Wellness Clinic