Top questions to ask a cosmetic surgeon in a rhinoplasty consultation?

Rhinoplasty is potentially one of the most demanding procedures in plastic surgery. So of course it is important to really think hard about what you want to achieve and communicate that to your surgeon. The nose sits in the center of the face and there should therefore be a balance; there should be harmony between your nose and the other structures in the face.

An artistic eye is essential to be able to achieve a pleasing outcome; feel free to ask your surgeon about that. Also, in addition to the actual specifics of the operation, ask your surgeon’s qualifications and experience in rhinoplasty, how many procedures does he or she do, how are the outcomes assessed; what about levels or figures of patient satisfaction with outcomes? Is he a member of a nationally recognised body of professionals such as BAPRAS or BAAPS? Finally, after your consultation, you do you feel comfortable with your surgeon?Take your time and reflect on your consultation and discussions; then if you decide to go ahead, you know that it is the right decision for you. Should you choose to go ahead with Mr Ahmad, he will be happy to support and can guide you through your journey.

At Cambridge Clear Beauty we know you want to live a happy, confident life to its fullest. However, not everyone is happy with the shape of their nose, and this can even cause difficulty breathing. This can make you shy away from the camera and feel uncomfortable. This is just plain wrong. We believe everyone should feel confident and comfortable in their own skin and breathe easy. Regain your self confidence and never let your nose stop you from living your perfect lifestyle.