What Makes A Good Candidate For A Facelift?
Well, the skin of the soft tissues of the face and neck may become thinner. They might sag, leading to drooping wrinkles, jowls and double chin, so-called turkey Cobble neck, and a constantly tired or sad appearance.
If you have any of these features or problems, as long as you’re healthy and have realistic expectations, you may be a good candidate for a facelift.
The passage of time, your genetic makeup, and your lifestyle, including smoking or being a sun lover, all these factors can play a role in the ageing process of the head and neck.
So what happens?
Well, the skin of the soft tissues of the face and neck may become thinner. They might sag, leading to drooping wrinkles, jowls and double chin, so-called turkey Cobble neck, and a constantly tired or sad appearance.
If you have any of these features or problems, as long as you’re healthy and have realistic expectations, you may be a good candidate for a facelift.
There are many types of facelifts, and in-depth, individualised consultation is best to work out the most appropriate technique for you so that you completely understand your options and the risks.
Facelift techniques can often be combined with other procedures and practices, such as energy-based skin tightening or chemical peels.
With this new facility in my clinic here, I can now undertake a mini version of face Lifting for you under local Anaesthetic. As an outpatient, I don’t usually suggest any sudden changes just before facelift surgery, but in the run-up to surgery, you can take a number of steps. Of course, it’s good to have a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and exercise; many motivated patients might be doing this anyway.
However, some things should be stopped before surgery. For example, multivitamins and fish oils increase bleeding, so they should be stopped. Smoking dramatically increases the risks of surgery, so this should be stopped before your operation or around the perioperative period.
Other steps to prepare for surgery might be more mundane while in the hospital, or if you’re having the operation in the clinic, you’ll be well cared for, but once you’re home, you may find things a bit harder, so make sure the home is ready. If you can arrange for help and support for cleaning up the cooking Etc and maybe friends and family nearby, plan to allow yourself the time and space to recover.
It’s not ideal to squeeze surgery into a small Gap when you have deadlines, work, and stress. If you allow yourself the time to recover, you will recover more quickly.
The risks of surgery will be explained in some depth at your consultation. The risks depend on the type of surgery and the extent of surgery we choose.
They include the chances of any operation, such as bleeding, infection, scarring, or asymmetry bleeding won’t be life-threatening, but if it occurs, it does need to be addressed. Antibiotics are usually used, but because the face has got such a good blood supply, infection is really rare.
No one is symmetrical, and you won’t be symmetrical after surgery. Still, you will be asymmetrical, as I can tell you, there will be bruising and swelling, but the majority of this vein resolves in a few days.
Some bruising can last three or more weeks there can be injuries to the nerves that provide feeling or movement in the face so it’s important that you’re entirely happy that your surgeon is familiar with facial anatomy and undertakes a lot of these procedures.
I operate on children with clever pallets, so I operate on the face, and I do quite a lot of these operations, but make sure that you feel comfortable with your surgeon. They need to be trained and experienced and able to address any problems that might occur adequately.
You will see an immediate Improvement as their tissues have been operated on and tightened. The skin will be tight and plump with some swelling and smooth as the swelling goes down, and the healing process the appearance will settle.
There are various phases to this; the first phase will be with swelling and bruising that might last three weeks to six weeks.
A tightening happens in the healing process and will progress slowly through the tissues, eventually relaxing and softening.
You will have in essence your final result in between four to six months.
Many years ago, when I was training, my teacher used to say that facelifts can take off 10 years and last five to ten years I think now that’s the wrong way to look at it with facial Rejuvenation surgery.
Of course, will make you look younger look, fresher less tired but we haven’t stopped the ageing process; all we’ve done is put it back a little bit so you’ll carry on ageing from that new point which you have achieved.
Let me put it this way if you are say 50 and the surgery puts you back to 40 then at 60 you’re more likely to look near a 50 and so on. How much change happens with surgery depends on what you want to achieve and different facelifts achieve differing outcomes.
I think the most effective way to achieve long lasting results is to do something to a facial layer under the skin called the smash in the face this is a sheet of tissue.
That is not elastic and I have various ways to manipulate and adjust it so that your outcome is both natural but also long lasting.
With this new facility in my clinic here, I can now undertake a mini version of face Lifting for you under local anesthetic. As an outpatient, I don't usually suggest any sudden changes just before facelift surgery, but in the run-up to surgery, you can take a number of steps. Of course, it's good to have a healthy lifestyle with good nutrition and exercise; many motivated patients might be doing this anyway.