8 Point Face Lift (‘Liquid’ Face Lift) and the MD Codes System
Both fat grafting and fillers have been proven to improve the elasticity and recoil of the tissues of the face. Fillers can be used simply in very specific areas such as the cheeks for volume or the folds / creases for camouflage as well as other areas of the face.
Classically, dermal fillers have been used for decades simply to fill in defects or depressions; to add to the volume of facial tissues but both fillers and, in particular, filler placement techniques are continuously being improved; the newer fillers no longer require allergy testing before treatment. Different fillers can be used but at Cambridge Clear Beauty we offer latest Vycross range of fillers from Allergan; these fillers come in several varieties each with slightly different properties for different parts of the face and to produce slightly different outcomes but basically to restore volume and, used appropriately, to help lift the tissues.
A full knowledge of facial anatomy including the blood supply, nerves, the fat pads and ligaments of the face is essential to be able to maximise the advantage of filler treatment. The 8 Point Face Lift technique utilises this knowledge and, progressing on from that, the so called ‘MD Codes’ is one of the latest methodologies of facial filler rejuvenation.
Mr Ahmad follows the techniques and has been trained by the Brazilian plastic surgeon Dr Mauricio de Maio who is one of the leading experts in the world in the use of fillers in facial rejuvenation. He has devised the MD Codes system which does require much more anatomical knowledge and specific training but can be used to create a more comprehensive pan-facial rejuvenation, with attention to several areas but then resulting in an overall more significant yet natural aesthetic outcome in harmony with the dimensions of your face. Particular attention is paid to ensuring that you do not look artificial or ‘filled’. The Vycross range of fillers can last up to 9, 12, sometimes18 months; duration of the improvement can be dependent on the type of filler and on where it is placed.
You will need a detailed consultation to determine if this is the right treatment, and to individualise the treatment for you.
Price from £2100 using 6mls of filler
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